REVEALED!!! Couples Who Have Less Sex Fight More
There is an endless list of reasons that couples get into arguments. Disagreements could spark up over anything from financial issues to jealousy and leave one of you sleeping on the couch for a few uncomfortable nights, but one thing no couple ever wants to argue over is sex. Unfortunately, it happens to the best of us.
There are logical reasons why people get cranky when they aren’t having sex. Your partner isn’t ranting about not getting any action simply because he or she is inconsiderate and selfish. There’s actually science behind their why people get upset when sex is lacking.
Having sex produces dopamine, oxytocin, and other endorphins in the brain that makes people feel good. So when sex is missing from a relationship these chemicals aren’t released in the same manner. Still, this is only part of what contributes to couples fighting more when they aren’t having sex.
Social psychologist and research scientist at The Kinsey Institute Amanda Gesselman says, “For many couples — if not the majority — sex represents a significant means of intimate connection, in physical terms of course, but also in an emotional capacity.”
Though sex and emotional connections aren’t always perfectly connected, people do have the tendency to link our sex lives with the level of satisfaction in relationships, hence the reason why partners associate decreases in relationship satisfaction with the decline of the desire to have sex. The problem is that many factors, including depression, stress, or being tired can also contribute to a reduction in sex drive, but the brain misinterprets a lack of sex into signals that something is wrong within the relationship.
This is more of a reason why communication is key in relationships. If your partner’s desire to have sex with you takes a dive, it’s more important to discuss why, instead of having sex just to have sex with hopes that it will correct the problem.
Read Couples Guide to Increasing Quantity & Quality of Sex
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