7 Embarrassing Or Weird Things That Can Happen During Sex
Sex is such an amazing, fun and HOT thing to share with your partner. All the wonderful feelings, the orgasms, the tingly sensations! Nothing is better than sex, right? Well, while this may be true, there are, sometimes, some weird or embarrassing things that can happen to you during the act!
1. Razor Burn Up
Close And Personal
So if you are like 80% of women nowadays, you either wax or
shave your vaginal area. It is the cool and sexy trend nowadays.
Sometimes, however, the tender vaginal skin can get some very
unappealing razor bumps and can, in some cases, get extremely irritated when
your guy is going down on your down there. The more friction his face makes,
the more red and puffy your razor burned punani becomes!
How do Beautiful Woman In Bedyou avoid this? Waxing definitely is the better
option along with applying a nice moisturizer after you shave.
2. Bush Happens
In opposition to having fresh razor burn from shaving, those
ladies that prefer keeping it au natural down below have to be wary of
maintaining their bush. If you are not expecting sex, and you therefore
have not trimmed your lower region, the hair can get out of control
and be a bit of a distraction for your man when he trying to make a path
through the hedge to get to your clitoris! Girl, keep that area trimmed
EVERY day!
Read I am not a Starfish: A Female Step by Step Guide to Actively Participate During Sex
3. Queefing
The queef is not a fictional occurrence ladies, queefs
HAPPEN. A queef is the non-technical slang term for when air gets pushed up
into your vagina during sex and then comes out in a sort of “vaginal
fart.” Ewwww, right? No worries ladies, there is no smell with a queef, but
they can be quite loud. The best thing is to keep calm and carry on
Read I am not a Starfish: A Female Step by Step Guide to Actively Participate During Sex
4. Female
OK ladies, you don’t convince anyone when you claim to
“never, ever fart.” The truth is, we all do it and sometimes not at the most
convenient of times. During sex our bodies are twisted and morphed
into many different positions, which will often push air down there and
that air wants OUT. We sometimes can hold it in – just squeeze those butt
cheeks. However, sometimes we are distracted by, well the sex that is
going on, and it just comes on out. If it happens to you, try to ignore it and
realize that sometimes flatulence just happens.
5. Bloody Mary
We ladies do not always know when our period is going to start – and sometimes we are utterly surprised by it. Many a woman has had the awkward situation where her man is having sex with her (or, worse yet, going down on her) and his penis (or face) comes out red and full of your menstrual blood! I know, THE HORROR, right? There are even women who have some discharge post period when a particularly vigorous sexual encounter happens. What do you do? Apologize and get him cleaned up. It won’t kill him – and maybe he won’t even be deterred and things will continue.
Read I am not a Starfish: A Female Step by Step Guide to Actively Participate During Sex6. Did I Just
Pee Myself?
While it is not very common for women to pee during
sex, it CAN happen in certain situations. If you are a bit older and have a
fallen bladder, if you have waited TOO long to go to the bathroom, if you are
intoxicated or otherwise impaired it is possible to have some urine leak
out during sex. So, how do you avoid THIS embarrassing situation? DO
KEGELS NOW! All day, every day. Kegels. Kegels. KEGELS! Kegels help to keep
your pelvic floor muscles in tip-top shape. Secondly, GO PEE before you
have SEX! Empty that bladder all the way. Lastly, don’t have sex when you are
so drunk you are about to pass out.
7. Leg Cramp!!!!
This can happen to anyone at anytime – the dreaded LEG cramp (or ass cramp, side cramp, thigh cramp!) When we are having sex we contort and move our bodies all over the place and this can lead to a very inconvenient leg cramp at the worst possible time! You are really getting busy, are about to climax and everything comes to a HALT when your ass cheek starts to throb! How to avoid this unfortunate sexual detour? STRETCH your muscles every day and keep yourself all limber!
Read I am not a Starfish: A Female Step by Step Guide to Actively Participate During Sex
Finally here are the simplified steps to enchant and surprise your man in bed, completely driving him wild. I am going to teach you exactly how to talk dirty to your man so that you can build sexual tension, keep him deeply attracted to you. Remember dependence on male thrusting alone to reach the heights of erotic glory is like trying to win a foot race on one leg. This guide will show you how the penis can be fondled, caressed, griped, massaged, milked, licked, inundated and rippled as a whole or in sections using only the vagina