For Him: Signs You’re NOT Hitting It Right

Alright, so you're completely smashing this FINE ASS chick going hard Pound for Pound with sweat dripping off of your brow and you figure, "yea I'm beating this up right!" Sorry to say, but all of that gyration and sweating sometimes gets you nowhere when it comes to completely stimulating your partner. There are times when you may think you're doing a good job, but in reality you are failing MISERABLY. Just as there are signs that you're laying the pipe right, there are signs that you hitting her walls all WRONG. Below is a list of signs that, if you pay attention to them, will give you enough time to pull out and opt for another approach. Just make sure you recognize the signs before you hit that point of no return where she gives you an "F" on your Sex Score card. DURING SEX While you're stroking, she jumps suddenly like she just shocked by a jolt of electricity She says absolutely nothing She just lies there with no movement or effort When ...